This must rank as one of my favourite Bauhaus
releases. I love the spoken word piece that runs across the start of Double
Dare (presumably the intro before the first song), which goes something
like this...
I discovered this very evening was actually written by a young Alan Moore (of
Watchman, V for Vendetta etc) under the pseudonym Brilburn Logue - presumably
there is some kind of Northampton connection here? I love that at the start
Murphy announces that Double Dare is dedicated to French dramatist, poet, actor
and director Antonin Artaud (something I'm fairly certain Oasis never did); I
suspect the lyrics refer to Artaud's "The Theatre and its Double",
the core themes of which seem to be echoed in the lyrics. Finally, I love that
both recordings are really rough and ready, but capture a ferocity that
makes me wish I'd had the chance to see Bauhaus in their pomp (sadly I was 12
when this was recorded).